Invitation to the E-Learning Roundtable on 9 Feburary (3 – 4:30 pm)

Topic: Carry out interdisciplinary design projects in virtual reality easily, collaboratively, and immersively


We would like to invite all who are interested to the E-Learning roundtable! We look forward to the contribution from Andreas Pilot (Faculty of Architecture), as well as the exchange with you.

At the Department of Design and Building Technology of the Faculty of Architecture, students not only sculpture physical and digital models in interdisciplinary teams, but they also enter the digital models in the design and planning process as virtual reality together with the lecturers.

At this E-Learning roundtable, the head of the BIM Studio, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Andreas Pilot, will report on the challenges and opportunities of this new form of teaching and provide insight into the practice as well as the methodological and didactic added value of the interdisciplinary linking of Building Information Modelling (BIM) with Virtual Reality (VR).

Registration & Language

The Regulars' E-Learning Table will take place as an online live format in the web conference system Zoom. Please register by filling in the registration form in order to receive the access data for the Zoom meeting.

Please note: This event will be held in German.