
The central contact point for E-Learning at the TU Darmstadt is the E-Learning group. – We take care of both technology and didactics. For this reason, our team consists of staff from the Center for Educational Development and Technology (HDA) and the University Computing Centre (HRZ).

Team E-Learning Group

Photo Name Working area(s) Contact
HDA staff within the e-learning group
Head of the HDA Unit "Digital Teaching and Learning" & Central coordination of the e-learning group
Picture: E-Learning AG
Dipl.-Päd. Christian HoppeCoordination, Projects, Counselling & Qualification
+49 6151 16-76681
S1|10 352
Staff HDA
Picture: E-Learning AG
Britta Althaus B.A.Media Design, HessenHub Project: Didactic Concepts
+49 6151 16-76682
S1|10 357
Picture: E-Learning AG
Alexander Ast M.A.Project Future Learning Spaces (fuels)
+49 6151 16-76626
S1|10 355
Picture: E-Learning AG
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Anne BiebersteinCounselling & Qualification, Communications (Web & Blog)
+49 6151 16-76653
S1|10 357
Bild Leon Camus
Picture: E-Learning AG
Leon Camus M.Sc.On-demand examinations (QuiS_Flex project), Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76648
S1|10 354
Picture: E-Learning AG
Marcella Haller M.A.Project Future Learning Spaces (fuels)
+49 6151 16-76625
S1|10 355
Picture: E-Learning AG
Dipl.-Soz. Felix Heinemann
Workdays: Monday and Thursday
Using Videos in Higher Education Teaching, Panopto, Recording Service, Video Studio
+49 6151 16-76654
S1|10 356
Picture: E-Learning AG
Felix Hoch B.A.Online Self Assessments (OSA)
+49 6151 16-76647
S1|10 353
Picture: E-Learning Arbeitsgruppe
Thomas Lüdecke M.Sc.E-Assessment (HessenHub Project), Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76670
S1|10 354
Picture: E-Learning AG
Julian Prommer M.Sc.E-Assessment (HessenHubProject), Electronic Examination
+49 6151 16-76645
S1|10 354
Picture: E-Learning AG
Mostafa Tabatabaei M.A.Using Videos in Higher Education Teaching, Recording Service
+49 6151 16-76623
S1|10 356
Picture: E-Learning AG
Dipl. Soz. Päd. Markus WeberHessenHub Project: Didactic Concepts, Project Future Learning Spaces (fuels)
+49 6151 16-76652
S1|10 353
HRZ staff within the e-learning group
Head of HRZ Unit "Content Management & Development"
Picture: HRZ
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Klaus SteitzMoodle Service & Support, Panopto Service
+49 6151 16-71088
S1|22 322
Staff HRZ
Dominic Eckstein B.Sc.Moodle Service & Support, OpenLearnWare Support
+49 6151 16-71237
S1|22 322
Picture: E-Learning AG
Dipl. Media System Designerin (FH) Lena WiereMoodle Service & Support, Panopto, OpenLearnWare Support
+49 6151 16-71089
S1|22 323

Student Assistants

Working area(s) Name Contact
Moodle Support Jan Böttcher
David Kellenberger
Valerie Reining
Oleksandr Vazaios
Parth Verma

S1|22 320
Recordings / Videos Hakki Grimm
Nicolas Gries
Timo Huisinga
Mahnoor Khan
Dominik Kreuzer
Nicolas Krömer

S1|03 26A
Support E-Exams Paul Galm
Pia Grimmer
Rebecca Haacke
Kyle Kutscher
Khan Nisar
Felix Matzdorf
Web / Blog Ekin Ada Sahin
Project Hessenhub (Videos):
Lina Neumann
Paul Galli

FueLS-Project (360°) Alena Endlicher
Picture: Nikolaus Heiss

Our Locations

The E-Learning group is located on the Campus Stadtmitte (city centre) in the building sections 'S1|03', 'S1|10', and 'S1|22'.

Map of the Campus Stadtmitte (city centre)