Tip: Get to know Moodle in a Moodle course!
To the Moodle self-study course "Moodle Basic Functions" (in German)
- The login to Moodle is via TU-ID.
- Normally, a Moodle course is assigned to a lecture or seminar.
- Moodle courses are not public. They are only accessible to participants of the course (to protect intellectual property).
- There is a well considered role concept in Moodle. The “lecturer” create and design the courses and the “students” participate in them. In addition, there are roles for “assistants” and “tutors”.
- Overview of the roles in Moodle
- Important: The roles are assigned separately for each course. It is possible that you have the role of “lecturer” in one course room and the role of “student” in another Moodle course.
- People who do not have a TU-ID can participate via the guest access, but only with reading rights (the course room must be public for this). Alternatively, it is possible to apply for a guest TU-ID. With this one the Moodle access is automatically available.
Staff members of the TU Darmstadt can apply for a guest TU-ID for someone else via the IDM portal.
Information on the topic of guest access