Support & Counselling

We Support You

Whether you have specific questions about using E-Learning tools or need counselling for your digital lecturing on a conceptual level, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Contact E-Learning group

Picture: E-Learning AG

General E-Learning Support


Work S1|10 352
Hochschulstr. 1
64289 Darmstadt

Counselling, whether online or on site – for questions or more detailed concerns that you would prefer to discuss directly instead of via e-mail, make an appointment with us!

Picture: E-Learning AG

Moodle Support


work +49 6151 16-71130

Work S1|22 322
Alexanderstr. 2
64293 Darmstadt

Picture: E-Learning AG

Support for Recordings/ Videos


work +49 6151 16-76654

Work S1|10 356
Hochschulstr. 1
64289 Darmstadt

Picture: E-Learning AG

Panopto Support


Work S1|10 356
Hochschulstr. 1
64289 Darmstadt

Picture: E-Learning AG

OpenLearnWare Support


Work S1|22 323
Alexanderstr. 2
64293 Darmstadt

Picture: E-Learning AG

Support Electronic Examinations


Work S1|10 357
Hochschulstr. 1
64289 Darmstadt

Contact persons for procedural questions and examination regulations:
Directorate II

Overview of electronic examination
Specific services for e-exams
Training and information services on e-exams
Moodle demo course to try out and get to know e-examinations

Counselling Services

Are you wondering which digital tools and methods might be suitable for your course and how is the best way to use them? – Make use of our counselling services!

Just ask us: .

The aim of the “E-Learning Starter Kit” is to provide you with a well-designed E-Learning concept for your course without much effort, so that you can get started straight away.

The service includes the following:

Short counselling interview (approx. 30 min)

  • If required, general introduction and insight into E-Learning at the TU Darmstadt
  • Discussion of the first ideas for E-Learning implementation in your course based on
    • your experience and knowledge,
    • your objectives,
    • and existing teaching concept of your course

Draft concept for your course (from us for you)

  • general E-Learning concept for your course based on the ideas discussed
  • presentation of specific E-Learning elements
  • (incl. helpful considerations: For what? Why? How? What to consider? Effort?)

Depending on your needs, we can arrange further meetings to discuss the draft concept and the detailed design of specific elements.

No matter what forms of E-Learning you already use, in the “E-Learning Check” we will have a look at them and give you feedback.

The service includes the following:

Analysis (by us for you)

We get an impression of the E-Learning implementation that you would like to have checked,

  • by asking you some questions in advance about your needs and the course in which you are implementing your E-Learning arrangements,
  • by looking at your Moodle course, your videos or other online content and activities according to your feedback request or, if required, by observing your (online) course.

Short counselling interview (approx. 30min)

Discussion of the results of our analysis and possible ideas for further development:

  • answers to your feedback questions,
  • feedback on your existing E-Learning implementations following your objectives, and the general conception of the course.

Depending on your needs, we can arrange further counselling sessions afterwards.