E-Learning Roundtable

Sharing Experiences and Networking

Find out which concepts, methodological approaches, and tools in the field of digital teaching and learning are successfully used in other departments. Let yourself be inspired and take the opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues.

Open Format

The “E-Learning Roundtable” is an open format in which those active and interested in E-Learning from the TU Darmstadt and other Hessian universities can participate (within the network HessenHub ).

Some dates are also open to European colleagues from the UNITE context.

Our “E-Learning Roundtable” offers regular opportunities to share experiences and get inspirations for digital teaching.

Each meeting focuses on a specific topic related to digital teaching. One or more inputs are given by instructors, students, or staff who report on their experiences or planned projects in this field. There is also sufficient time for questions and to share further experiences.

Currently, the E-Learning roundtable takes place online.

E-Learning Roundtable: Dates in the Summer Semester 2024

3-4:30 p.m.: Dr. Maria Theresa Meßner (TU Darmstadt) and Christian Buschmann (GU Frankfurt)

Simulation games offer a wide range of possibilities for various subjects to teach complex learning content in a hands-on way. They can be conducted in analog, hybrid, or digital formats. Increasingly, digital elements are found in all phases of the simulation game: from Moodle learning packages in the preparation phase to digital platforms for supporting the (analog) play phase, as well as digital tools in the reflection phase.

At the Roundtable, Dr. Maria Theresa Meßner (TU Darmstadt) and Christian Buschmann (Goethe University Frankfurt) share practical examples of integrating digital elements in the use of simulation games in teaching. After an introduction to the simulation game method, examples of digitally supported forms follow, along with a discussion on the limits and possibilities.

3 – 4 p.m.: Lena Wiere & Klaus Steitz (Moodle Team of the E-Learning Group)

Moodle is an important platform for digital teaching at TU Darmstadt. To ensure a fast, reliable and clear learning platform, there is a life cycle for Moodle courses from this semester onwards. New options for the further use of content have also been installed on the system.

In this round table, the Moodle team will explain the newly introduced course lifecycle and will be available to answer detailed questions.

If you want to find out more in advance, you can also read about the lifecycle of a Moodle course on the website.

3 – 4:30 p.m.: Dr. Luisa Kautzmann & Dr. Manuela Lautenschläger (Central Student Advisory TU Darmstadt)

The aim of the QuiS-Flex sub-project (opens in new tab) is to help more computer science students to succeed in their studies by personalising the basic course. To this end, students with difficulties are to be approached at an early stage – using online tools – and invited to individually analyse the skills they lack. On the basis of the analysis, it should be possible to book courses to build up missing subject-specific or non-subject-specific skills.

At the Roundtable, Dr Luisa Kautzmann and Dr Manuela Lautenschläger (TU Darmstadt) will report on the project status and the integration of digital elements to support students in the introductory phase of their studies.

We also want to engage in dialogue and discussion with you about the further potential and challenges associated with the use of learning analytics in the course of studies.

More roundtable's dates to follow ….