For digital teaching

In order to help lecturers at the TU Darmstadt to implement their digital teaching, the e-learning group offers a wide range of support and information services as well as opportunities for sharing experiences and networking.

Support Services

We offer support & counselling

More information about the tools for digital teaching

Foto: Frau schreibt auf Whiteboard: Mindmap mit Zeichnungen von Sprechblasen, Glühbirnen, Rechtecken, Wolken
Picture: Tom Wang/ shutterstock | Source

Support & Counselling

We support you! – Get an overview of our support contacts and counselling services.

Learn more

 Foto: Ein Videokamera auf einem Stativ filmt eine Frau, die vor einer grünen Tafel in einem Klassenzimmer steht und eine Präsentation hält.
Picture: Katrin Binner

Specific Support for Recordings & Videos

Other support services specifically in the recording area are: recording service, “Rent-a-Videohiwi” service and the availability of production studios

Learn more

Information Services

Detailed Information on:

Information Sites with FAQ and Instructions

Blick über die Schulter einer Frau, die auf digitales Tablet "A bis Z" schreibt
Picture: Original: Marek Levak / | Source

From A to Z

Quick Access to specific information about digital teaching at the TU Darmstadt

E-Learning from A to Z at TU Darmstadt