Examination Scanning

Examination scanning is a form of electronically support examinations. They are created in an examination software, then printed and written on paper as usual. In the next step, they are scanned and evaluated in the examination software in a partly automated way based on the scans. This form of examination is based on the General Examination Regulations (APB) of the TU Darmstadt. The e-examination regulations do not have to be taken into account here.

Take a look at the offer for e-exams

How does examination scanning work?

The web-based Examination Software “EvaExam” from the company evasys is used for examination scanning at the TU Darmstadt.

  1. The exam is created in the examination software (create questions, layout).
  2. The exam is printed and written as a paper exam as usual.
  3. The students' examination sheets are scanned and transferred to the examination system.
  4. Based on the scans, the (partially) automated assessment takes place in the examination system.
    • Free text questions still have to be corrected manually – which is done either before scanning or afterwards online in the system.
    • Processing is based on the crosses that students place as answers to single, multiple-choice and matching questions, as well as the crosses that the instructor places in the corresponding assessment field matrix to assess the free-text questions.
  5. The examination data is now available in the examination system (including an overview list as a csv file with all matriculation numbers and points/marks achieved > this can be used as a basis for the TUCaN import).
  6. The examination as a whole and the separate questions can then be qualitatively evaluated with the help of item analyses and further optimised for the next examination.

Our Service

Please contact us for:

  • access to the EvaExam system
  • provision of a scanning station with high-performance scanner (batch processing)
    Please use our contact form: Request for a scan appointment
  • consult and, if required, individual training before use
  • support for using EvaExam and scanning
  • for first-time users, close support in the entire process (preparation of examination questionnaires | scanning & verification | handling of evaluation data).
  • Higher efficiency in the exam processing
    • test bank enables reuse and further optimisation of questions
    • (partially) automated evaluation of exam questions minimises correction effort
    • Automatic compilation of a final data overview with matriculation numbers, points, and grades saves time and minimises errors
  • a subsequent quality analysis of the questions and answers is facilitated, resulting in potential for optimisation
    • with the help of the statistical key figures difficulty and discriminatory power (item analysis)
    • based on the indication and bar chart representation of the frequency distribution of the selected answers per question
  • students can get their exam results faster

These advantages are particularly important when there are a large number of candidates and when multiple-choice, single-choice, or matching questions are used.

In §22a of the General Examination Regulations (APB) of the TU Darmstadt (opens in new tab), it is specified which regulations exist with regard to examination performances in the answer-choice procedure (AWV). This means, for example, multiple-choice, single-choice, and matching questions.

The main excerpts from the regulations are:

  • The tasks in the answer-choice procedure should not exceed the share of 50% of the total number of points of the examination, unless there is an approval of the departmental council.
  • For each task, the number of correct answers per task must be specified in the task description.
    As soon as more than one correct answer is provided, the number must be checked manually, as this is not automated by EvaExam. To avoid this, the consistent use of single choice questions is recommended.
  • Partial points must be awarded for each correct answer ticked.
  • A point deduction for wrong answers (negative points) is not permitted.

Further information about examinations at the TU Darmstadt can be found in the FAQ for examiners from Directorate II (Studies and Teaching).

Foto: Ein Schreibtisch mit einem Computerbildschirm, auf dem ein Netzwerkdiagramm mit Zahnrädern und Benutzerprofilbildern angezeigt wird. Auf dem Tisch befinden sich außerdem eine Tastatur, eine Maus, eine Tasse Kaffee und verschiedene Büroartikel.
Picture: Rawpixel.com / shutterstock | Source

Reduce effort for exam correction

Read more details and didactic considerations on examination scanning in this blog post (in German language) as part of the series “Guide to Digital Teaching” (written in German).

Learn more