Technical implementation of digital teaching

In this tools section, you will find all the necessary information on the technical implementation options for digital teaching at TU Darmstadt, for which we can offer you support and counselling. In addition to the technical aspects of implementing digital teaching, conceptual considerations are also important.

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Tool collections

In these tool collections – one for lecturers and one for students – we have composed tools that are centrally provided at the TU as well as suggestions for further online tools that might be helpful. In addition, we would like to refer to the overview of campus software (incl. tips for freely available software) on the HRZ website.

Centrally supported at the TU

Foto: Frau schreibt auf Whiteboard: Mindmap mit Zeichnungen von Sprechblasen, Glühbirnen, Rechtecken, Wolken
Picture: Tom Wang/ shutterstock | Source

Support & Counselling

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