Invitation to the E-Learning Roundtable on 5 December (3 – 4:30 pm)

Topic: Digital Exercises and Exams at the Institute of Political Science


We would like to warmly invite everyone who is interested to our next E-Learning roundtable! We look forward to the exchange on digital exercises and examinations at the Institute of Political Science.

Digital examinations are supervisory examinations whose creation, processing as well as execution and/or assessment are computer-supported electronically.

Since the winter semester 2020/21, Prof. Dr. Christian Stecker has been using electronically-supported exercises and examinations in his teaching. In addition to initial tests of remote examinations using a web conferencing tool, students now have the option of taking their examinations in computer pool rooms at the TU Darmstadt or, if they wish, using their own hardware (BYOD). The examination platform “MoodleExam” is used for this purpose.

At this roundtable, Prof. Stecker will present his e-examination concept and his experiences in more detail.

Registration & Language

The E-Learning roundtable will take place as an online live format in the web conference system Zoom. Please use the registration form to receive the access data for the Zoom meeting.

This event will be held in German.