The support programme “Students support digital teaching” aims to support lecturers in the implementation of digital teaching by financing the necessary student assistants and, if required, qualifying them by the E-Learning Group.
Funding period I
: 1 January 2020 – 31 March 2021
Funding period II
: 1 April 2021 – 31 March 2022
Projects in Funding Period II
Of the 43 submitted applications, the following 20 projects from eight departments can be supported in the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022:
History and Social Sciences:
Institute of History
Course in which the project is planned:
Short description of the project:
Students conduct digital 'field research' in small groups by viewing, examining, critically processing and digitally presenting the handling and presentation of history in the Darmstadt area (Rhine-Main-Neckar) at selected places of remembrance of the Middle Ages. In their work, they make reference to local museums and tourism concepts, thereby generating practical experience in the field of public history.
In charge:
Prof. Dr. Gerrit J. Schenk, Stephan F. Ebert, M.A.
Research group: History of Technology
Course in which the project is planned:
Exercise: From the punched card to the cloud – object history of digital storage media
Short description of the project:
Through independent research on self-selected objects from the field of digital storage media, students get the task to develop a concept for a virtual presentation that historically locates and contextualises these objects. The student assistant supports the exercise and prepares the content developed by the students for an presentation that is later to be shown on the web pages of the “Museum für Kommunikation Frankfurt”.
In charge:
Dr. Nora Thorade
Institute for Linguistics and Literary Studies
Course in which the project is planned:
Programming for corpus linguistics (BA Digital Philology) and preparatory course for Master students (MA Linguistic and Literary Computing).
Short description of the project:
The use of technology is an important part of humanities degree programmes at the TU Darmstadt. Students of the Digital Humanities degree programmes (BA Digital Philology, MA Linguistic and Literary Computing) learn how to use digital linguistic tools as part of their studies, as well as programming using the programming language Python, which enables more complex data analysis workflows in language and text analysis subjects.
The aim of this project is to develop a professionally and didactically well-structured e-learning offer for students of the digital humanities using an activating programme out of relevant materials and exercises based on subject-specific content.
In charge:
Sabine Bartsch
Human Sciences:
Institute for General and Vocational Pedagogy, Field of Technology Didactics
Course in which the project is planned:
Lecture TD I and TD II
Short description of the project:
Accompanying “web-based trainings” are produced for the lectures in the field of technology didactics, which support the students in their exam preparation. The useful blending of e-learning elements with traditional classroom teaching and the associated combination of different media forms are intended to optimise the learning success of the students.
In charge:
Jessica Nixon
Institute for Psychology
Course in which the project is planned:
Seminar Human-Machine Interaction & Exercise Cognitive Psychological Basics of A&I Psychology.
Short description of the project:
The students develop concepts for augmented reality (AR) applications in digitally networked small groups. They record their seminar lectures themselves and make them available as h5p videos with integrated scored knowledge questions for asynchronous processing. In synchronous practice units, the content from the lecture and seminar presentations is applied to concept development. The groups receive points from their fellow students for their seminar video and their concept, as well as the average score of the group members in the current seminar video on a weekly basis. Based on these points, grade bonuses will be given.
In charge:
Angelika Kern
Research group Analysis
Course in which the project is planned:
Analysis II english SoSe 2021
Short description of the project:
The project is a weekly online quiz in Moodle to focus more on interactive and collaborative learning. The quiz will provide an motivation for all students to become more actively involved in the lecture as a whole group. The aim of the quiz is to pick up mathematical concepts and topics from the lecture Analysis II and the exercises and thus to strengthen the joint activities of the students, to reinforce their knowledge and to create an encouragement to compete in the weekly playful competition and to land on the winner's podium.
In charge:
Prof. Matthias Hieber
Research group Didactics
Course in which the project is planned:
Lectures in Graph and Group Theory
Short description of the project:
The project develops a framework for progression-focused, platform independent games for education in discrete mathematics.
In charge:
Pascal Schweitzer
Didactics of Chemistry
Course in which the project is planned:
Practical Experimental Teaching in Organic Chemistry (Seminar and Laboratory Exercise)
Short description of the project:
An online tutorial for visual storytelling with a hybrid of analogue paper cut-out technique and digital non-fiction comic will be designed and optimised for use (Flipped Classroom) in teacher education in chemistry.
In charge:
Prof. Dr. Markus Prechtl
Didactics of Biology / Teaching-Learning-Laboratory Biology
Course in which the project is planned:
Didactics I – Lecture exercises for experimental teaching – digital – 10-05-1010-ue
Short description of the project:
Students studying biology as a teaching profession will design and develop interactive online live lessons on the topic of sustainability for “SuS”. The lessons will then be conducted live with single school classes and reflected upon.
In charge:
Dr. Guido Klees
Animal Evolutionary Ecology / Ecological Networks
Course in which the project is planned:
Bachelor module “Biodiversity and Phylogeny”.
Short description of the project:
At we have developed a blended-learning platform for digital animal identification courses. The project aims to supplement this platform in the field of insects with as many 3D models as possible, which we will create using the Darmstadt insect scanner DISC3D.
In charge:
PD Dr Michael Heethoff, Dr Ute Koch
Didactics of Biology
Course in which the project is planned:
Biological school experiments
Short description of the project:
Digitalisation is proceeding in schools. In the didactics of biology, we would like to supplement classical experimentation with the use of iPads by digital measuring methods and virtual labs. In this way, we would like to extend proven concepts and supplement and develop them with new digital possibilities.
In charge:
Christian Ruder, Madeleine Crössmann-Amend
Civil and Environmental Engineering:
Research group Spatial and Infrastructure Planning
Course in which the project is planned:
Methodology of Empirical Analysis
Short description of the project:
Development of a learning platform using case studies from the field of sustainable urban development. Using these, students should be able to independently try out the use of different research methods of empirical analysis.
In charge:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Linke, Benjamin Kraff (M.Sc.)
Institution of Construction and Building Materials
Course in which the project is planned:
“Construction and Building Materials”.
Short description of the project:
The aim of the planned project is the production of image films on job profiles in the field of “Construction and Building Materials”. These short videos are intended to introduce students to their varied career options after graduation and to support them in their choice of specialisation.
In charge:
Prof. Eduardus Koenders and M.Sc. Kira Weise
Institute of Geotechnics
Course in which the project is planned:
Geotechnics I to IV
Short description of the project:
Creation and introduction of quizzes, serious games and survey tools in lectures and exercises in geotechnics. These are to be used in digital teaching formats, but also to support classroom teaching, with the aim of encouraging students to participate even more actively in lectures and exercises.
In charge:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hauke Zachert
Institute of Constructive Design and Building Construction
Course in which the project is planned:
Freehand Drawing (13-D1-M006)
Short description of the project:
Within the framework of the 12-month project, innovative ways and methods are to be researched and evaluated in order to digitise the very successful course “Freehand Drawing” and to be able to offer the associated artistic teaching concept virtually for the first time, i.e. independent of place and time, on a global scale.
In charge:
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Architect Stefan Schäfer
Digital Design Unit (DDU)
Course in which the project is planned:
Seminars and design courses in the field of architecture as well as interdisciplinary courses that have complex three-dimensional objects as central content.
Short description of the project:
In the project, a three-dimensional multi-user VR is to be designed on the basis of Mozilla Hubs or similar and used for courses with a maximum group size of 25 participants.
In charge:
Prof. Dr. Oliver Tessmann
Research group e+gt
Course in which the project is planned:
Structural Design
Short description of the project:
Identifying the possibilities of additional digital offerings supporting teaching to supplement design supervision. Optimisation of digital teaching
In charge:
Dipl. Ing. Jan Wimmenauer
Research Group Design and Building Technology
Course in which the project is planned:
CUBITYdigital – Modular lightweight construction as an interdisciplinary BIM project.
Short description of the project:
It will be tested how buildings designed by students together digitally and three-dimensionally can be presented digitally and decentrally without media discontinuity via joint virtual real-time tours.
In charge:
Dipl.-Ing. Architect Andreas Pilot
Mechanical Engineering:
Institute PTW
Course in which the project is planned:
Technology of Manufacturing Processes (TdF)
Short description of the project:
The aim of the e-learning project applied for here is to extend the TdF lecture material with an augmented reality environment (AR environment) called “TdF goes AR”. With the help of mobile devices (smartphone, tablet PC with Android or iOS), students can additionally benefit from digital teaching content via special markings in the printed script, which encourages a motivating and intensive engagement with the practice-oriented teaching content.
In charge:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Weigold
Institute for Mechatronic Systems
Course in which the project is planned:
Robotics in Industry: Basics and use cases
Short description of the project:
The aim of the project is the development of a simulation environment with which a better understanding of mathematical coordinate transformations in robotics is to be provided. Furthermore, a tangram game should be prepared in the simulation, which is to be solved with the help of a robot. This will familiarise students with the basics of robot programming and movement.
In charge:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Debora Clever
Of the 39 submitted applications, the following 14 projects from ten departments could be supported in the period 1 January 2020 to 31 March 2021:
Project: create consistent e-learning offerings in the lectures, support for self-study through activities in Moodle, expansion of Flipped Classroom, simulation modelling
Project: conduct live voting in the lecture to check knowledge, integration of real-time experiments
Project: Expansion of the online offer with activities for communication accompanying the lecture, with online surveys as well as weekly providing of current newspaper articles and production of teaching videos on theoretical basics and individual research topics
Project: In both lectures, a blended learning offer is to be further developed, consisting of the provision of learning videos, weekly Moodle tests for self-assessment as well as online consultation hours via video chat.
Project: Further development of learning materials and activities for the already existing Flipped Classroom concepts of the service courses Physics for ET I + II (teaching videos, self-learning units with online tests, testing of a wiki-based alternative to the script in PDF format) as well as new implementation of the Flipped Classroom concept for Physics II for physics major students.
Project: In preparation for a two-week attendance phase in which international students come together to work on a project, there will be a ten-week online preparation phase. A corresponding e-learning offer will be developed for this.
Project: Creation of an e-learning module so that students can test and deepen their previous knowledge and prepare for and follow up on the lectures. Photos and videos of various samples under the microscope are to be created for this purpose.
Project: Expansion of the e-learning offer through the production of instructional videos, especially for the building materials science section.
Project: Expansion of the e-learning offer through the production of instructional videos, which are intended in particular to show the most important fundamental correlations for steel construction using well-explained examples.
Project: Supplementing the e-learning offer with online exercises and video recordings
Project: Digital tools for more interaction in the lecture (online posting of questions about the lecture, working on mini tasks in small groups (seat neighbours), discussion, presentation, actively working on content with the whole group instead of frontal teaching); tests and quizzes to engage with the lecture content; learning videos for the use of Rhino/Grasshopper (CAD), 3D printing and laser cutting, virtual reality.
Project: The development of apps in which solutions to various tasks are presented in the form of videos. Different alternatives of programme code are shown and discussed at the same time, which offers great advantages over static sample solutions, especially in programming. The complete e-learning tutorial will be converted to a uniform format and enriched with Matlab Live Scripts and Jupyter Notebook elements (for Python) in order to link theoretical principles with practical application in the clearest possible way.
Project: Online self-assessments; elements of flipped classroom, expansion of bilingualism
Project: Creation of online tests in Moodle for regular self-examination for students, use of a live voting system in the lecture and production of educational videos for illustration (e.g. robot experiments).