Directorate VII International Affairs: Familiarisation and Orientation Scenario

in a digital 360° environment (incl. 360° video) around the International Student Service offer at the counter in Karo5

This project was implemented as part of “fuels – Future Learning Spaces” in 2022 .

International Student Services offers initial information and easily accessible counselling for international students and prospective students at the International Counter in karo 5 on the Stadtmitte campus. The counter serves as a central first point of contact. In an interactive 360° video environment, the target groups can now get their first orientation before arriving on the TU Darmstadt campus, discover the counter, and learn in a playful way which service points they can contact for various topics.

The application can be used in German or English and offers the possibility to digitally walk around the area Karolinenplatz and university building karo 5. At the beginning of the video, the user is invited to visit the International Counter. The self-determined discovery process not only provides a first orientation on campus, but also helpful information about the surroundings. Once the counter is found and approached, further information can be obtained via a selection of questions, with integrated videos simulating a conversation situation with a person.

By means of a direct approach by the performers in the video, who are student assistants and advise international students on site, users are welcomed to the campus on a more personal level and already in their country of origin. The video serves as another small component of the onboarding phase for international students at the TU Darmstadt, which can be fundamental to successful studies.

The application takes about 5 minutes and is aimed at international students and exchange students of the TU Darmstadt as well as prospective students with a refugee background.

The interactive 360°-video was developed and implemented in cooperation with International Student Services at the International Affairs Department between May and November 2022.

International Student Services Websites:

fuels Taxonomy
#Size --> Campus
#Tag --> at home
#Technology --> 360°
#Didactic --> orientation
Learn more about the fuels Taxonomy

Natalie Wocko / Digital Services for International Students – Department VIII International TU Darmstadt
Marcella Haller / fuels-Team E-Learning Group – TU Darmstadt

Click on the image to go to the 360° application.
Click on the image to go to the 360° application.