Question Type “Drag & Drop onto Image”

Moodle offers various question types.

In the following, we would like to briefly introduce the “Drag & Drop onto Image” question type and explain it with a small example. With this question type, students can drag images or text into drop zones on a background image that you have created.

Creating a Question


To create a new question, you can find your “Question Bank” in your course by selecting the “More” dropdown menu in the top navigation bar. Once you have selected this, you can edit your question bank and click on “Create a new question…”. Now, you can choose the respective question type from the menu. We will select “Drag-and-drop onto image”. When creating the question, some important settings need to be configured:

First, you can select the “Category” of the question, which allows you to assign this question to one of your courses or organize it by course.

The “Question Name” must be provided and should be descriptive so that you can easily find your question later in the overview.

In the “Question Text” section, you must specify your task or instructions.

Under “Background Image”, you need to upload an image where you will later define the areas where students can drag and drop their predefined answers.

Draggable Item

Next, you should edit the “Draggable Item” tab. There, you have the choice of creating either a draggable image or draggable text. These will later be the answer options that can be dragged into the gaps.

You can choose to arrange the objects randomly, group them (which is useful for better organization with large images), and by clicking on the “Infinite” option, you can allow objects to be used multiple times.

Draggable Item
Draggable Item

As the final step, you now need to define the “Drop Zones”. You can select your answer options one by one under “Draggable Item” and place them in the desired location by entering the coordinates or, most easily, by dragging and dropping them directly within the image in the preview.

Drop Zone
Drop Zone