Exporting and importing question bank

You can reuse questions that are in the question bank, which you have created and designed once, in new courses. Use the export/import function for this.

Export questions

To export questions from the course, call up the question collection via the “More” menu and then the drop-down “Question bank”. The lowest option in the drop-down is “Export”:

More -> Question bank -> Export (in the “Questions” drop-down menu)

First select the file format in which the question bank is to be saved. This selection must be made before the export, as otherwise an export is not possible. The “Moodle XML format” is recommended for reuse within Moodle.

Different categories for the questions can be created in the course. The default category name is “Standard für [course name]“. To export questions from a specific category, select the desired category from the drop-down menu under “General” in the second step. After the category name, you will see the number of questions in this category, e.g. for 5 questions in a test course: ”Standard für Testkurs (5)".

How do I export the entire question bank?

If you want to export the entire question bank for a course, select “Top for *course name*” from the drop-down menu. This will export all questions in the course.

How do I export individual questions?

To export individual questions from the course, call up the question bank via the “More” menu and then the “Question bank” drop-down menu:

Here you can use the drop-down to the right of “Select a category:” to call up your desired questions if they are not displayed automatically.

You will find a wide range of information on the questions in the columns. Under “Actions”, click on the “Edit” drop-down menu.

There you will find the option “Export as Moodle-XML”.

The file format cannot be customized via this download. Select “Moodle XML format” accordingly for a later import.

Import questions

To import questions into the course, call up the question bank via the “More” menu and then the drop-down “Questions”. The third option in the drop-down is “Import”:

More -> Question bank -> Import (in the “Questions” drop-down menu)

First select the file format in which the file containing the questions to be imported is saved.

You can make settings under “General”:

  • Import categories: In this drop-down menu, you can select the category into which the questions are to be imported.
  • If you only want to import into existing categories, you must uncheck “Get category from file”.

In the last section, select the file you wish to import.

To do this, drag and drop the file into the field provided or select the file manually via “Choose a file …”.

Now finish the process by clicking on “Import”. This will import your questions into the category you have selected with the settings you have made.

Do you want to use a question from a test in a lesson? Then export the question in GIFT format and import it into the lesson. Details in the FAQ article Fragenformat-GIFT