Matlab Grader

Automatic Evaluation of MATLAB Code in Moodle

With the campus-wide MathWorks license, you also have access to MATLAB Grader within Moodle.

With MATLAB Grader, you can create and share interactive course assignments, have them automatically evaluated, and track student performance through detailed learning reports. Your students benefit from randomized MATLAB problems, providing them with additional learning and practice opportunities.

Add MATLAB Grader

To add MATLAB Grader to your course, toggle the “Edit” slider in the top right to enter editing mode. Then click on “Add an activity or resource”. Next, select MATLAB Grader and assign a name to the activity. Afterward, click on “Save and display”.

Initially, you may need to agree to the MATLAB Grader's terms of use. Moodle will then launch the MATLAB Grader interface for creating content. You can either create a new problem or choose a problem from your available collections or courses.

Here are some helpful resources for MATLAB Grader:

MATLAB Grader Overview (Video – 4 min)

Autograded Assessments with MATLAB Grader (Recording of a webinar – 1 hour)

Distance Learning Community

Teaching with MATLAB (Online self-paced course)

For technical questions regarding MATLAB Grader, it's best to directly contact MathWorks support:

Mathworks Help Center:

MATLAB Community Answers:

MATLAB Portal for TU Darmstadt: