Download submissions

Submissions of a task can be downloaded with a uniform title format using the option “Download renamed submissions”.

Within a task activity, you have the option of downloading “All submissions”, a “Submission overview” or “Download renamed submissions”.

Download all submissions

Click on the relevant task and then navigate to the export overview via the “Export” tab in the navigation bar above. In the “Grading action” drop-down menu, you can select “Download all submissions”. This will download all submission files in a zip folder. Within this zip folder, the submissions are divided into further folders, which are named according to the scheme “Firstname Surname_Referencenumber_assignsubmission_file”.

Export submissions
Export submissions
Export settings
Export settings

If you are interested in a submissions overview instead of the individual submissions files, you can also download these in the export overview. Below the drop-down menu, with which you can download the individual submissions files, you have the option of making settings for the submissions overview.

For example, you can set the format of the overview. There are further formatting settings for PDF files. In the “Data settings” section, you can select which submissions are included in the overview:

  • All: Participants who have not submitted anything are also listed in the overview.
  • Submitted: All participants who have submitted something are shown in the overview.
  • Evaluation necessary: Only participants who have submitted something and have not yet been evaluated appear in the overview.

In the “Data preview” you will see a preview of the table that has been generated according to your settings. You also have the option to exclude individual columns from the overview. To do this, click on the minus sign under the column title. If you have changed your mind, you can add the column again by clicking on the plus sign that then appears.


The overview can then be downloaded using the “Download file” button.

Download all renamed submissions

Settings for “Download renamed submissions”
Settings for “Download renamed submissions”

This option allows you to download all submission files according to a naming scheme you specify. To do this, navigate within the task to the “Download all submissions renamed” tab. You can now make further settings here:

  • Download: Here you can specify whether submission and/or feedback files should be included.
  • Naming scheme: This parameter is used to define the new file name. The following 'Tags' (bracket expressions) can be used for naming:
    • [idnumber]: Student number
    • [lastname]: Last name
    • [firstname]: First name
    • [fullname]: Full name
    • [assignmentname]: Name of the assignment
    • [group]: Group, if participants are enrolled in a group
    • [filename]: original file name
    • [filenumber]: References a specific file if multiple submission files are allowed.

These 'Tags' can be thought of as variables that individually set the appropriate value for each submission. Other alphanumeric characters that are added to the naming scheme are constantly added to all files.

Note: The 'Tags' can be inserted into the naming scheme both manually and by clicking on one of the 'Tags' in the tag bar.

  • Clean up file names: This removes spaces and special characters and rewrites umlauts.
  • File new as: This option can be used to set that only submissions added from a certain date onwards are included.

Click on “Download submissions” to download the individual submission files as a zip folder.